Primary and elementary teachers in Port Moresby organizedthemselves to celebrateWorld TeachersDay
Yesterday, eight primary and elementary schools from Moresby North West Electorate gthered at Tatana Village to markthe occasion.
Teachersfrom four primary schools and four elementary schools fromthe surrounding Beruni and Tatana areas gthered to markWorld TeachersDay
Though it was a day for celebrations, teachers tookthe time to reflect onthe hardships and challenges thatthey have to overcome each day.
Although many countedthe hardship, some are grateful to be inthe teaching profession.
A message fromthe General Secretary oPNG TeachersAssociation Ugwalubu Mowana called for the government to address industrial and professional needs of teachers.
Mr.Mowana also made a call to all teachers to be professional intheir conduct both in and out ofthe classroom.
Caption: A teacher celebratingtheWorld TeachersDay
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