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Week in Review

By Meriba Tulo – EMTV News, Port Moresby


The vote of no confidence is just two months away.  But like all votes of no confidence, the opposition   is already claiming it has the will and the ability to remove  Peter O’Neill as Prime Minister  and usher in a new cabinet.

This week, there has been statements and counter statements from within opposition ranks and government.

Madang MP and outspoken critic of the government, Bryan Kramer indicated the opposition was confident of changes.   There has also been speculation that the opposition was talking to senior government Ministers to take over the PM’s post.

A coup from within the government ranks has been strongly refuted by members of government.   Government MPs including Education Minister, Nick Kuman issued rebuttals against statements by Madang MP, Bryan Kramer.  The Government accused Sir Mekere of going behind their backs to talk MPs.

The Former PM and Opposition MP, Sir Mekere, Morauta refuted claims that he was talking to government MPs to take over the PNC leadership from within.

The Prime Minister has not said much this week about the Vote of no confidence.  Instead, he has been focused on getting the Wafi-Golpu deal signed. Even that has the opposition and landowner groups talking. Much of the resistance has come from landowner groups in the Morobe province who claim, clan representation is missing.

Across the border in Madang, landowners from basamuk have also called for a review of the benefits to landowners.  The mining minister is yet to respond to a petition delivered to his office…. A petition that calls for road development and other landowner benefits before a Chinese funded expansion of the mine happens.

Back to the politics, The opposition  has not said clearly who from within its ranks will assume the  post of alternate Prime Minister when the time comes.  That’s usually the case in previous Votes of no confidence…. Not this one….

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