Trauma of all sorts is evident in societies everywhere and Papua New Guineais no exception.
Bet it has become evident that trauma can become generational and be deeply rooted in our communities.
Trauma specialist Peter Kailap revealed this during a family violence and community healing workshop today.
The workshop was held atthPNG Red Cross headquarters in Port Moresby.
It’s organised by youths who train ther youths about trauma-healing information. The main facilitator is Peter Kailap.
They learnt that trauma has become deeply rooted in our society, to a point that it is being passed on tothe next generation.
The work of facilitators is to desensitizethese youths fromthe traumathey may have hidden deep inside. The main message, trauma stops with me.
The group sessions also act as a form oftherapy.
Withthe re-opening ofthe Manus Asylum seeker processing centre, Mr Kailap also highlightedthe need for the government to take into considerationthe effect traumatised people coming intothe country will have onthe local population.
The workshop isthe first of its kind co-ordinated bPNG Healing Foundation, it will end on Friday.