
SOE CEOs Sponsor UPNGRFL Prize Money

Major prize money is up for grabs in the University of Papua New Guinea Rugby Football League Competition.

It will be the second highest prize money amount, in any rugby league competition in the Nation’s Capital amounting, to K15, 000.


Funds for the prize money will come from corporate sponsorship from the three State Owned Enterprises, Eda Ranu, PNG Ports, and Motor Vehicle Insurance Limited. The CEOs of the SOEs are former players of UPNGRFL, and so it was only fitting to assist their old club.


Eda Ranu chipped in K40, 000, MVIL K50, 000, and PNG Ports K60, 000 totaling K150, 000. The sponsorship is part of their community social obligation.


UPNG SRC President Bobby Yupi, urged the players to use sports as a tool for change. He said there is a huge talent base that needs to be refined to represent the country in the future.


President of UPNGRFL, Nenga Nadape, plans to use the money to prepare for the University Games in Goroka, to host the Easter Cup, and to buy team Jersey’s for the 17 clubs.


The prize money will be K15, 000, higher than that of the Port Moresby Rugby League. Round three matches have been completed, with 13 rounds remaining before the finals later in the year.


All funds will be acquitted for, to ensure accountability and transparency.

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