
Services Not Reaching Biawen

Since 2013, government spending on social services like health and education have risen considerably.

However, in rural districts around the country, many aid posts remain without health workers and teachers are leaving schools unattended because of the distance it takes to get there.


The cost in human lives is rising every year even with the amount of funding being put into districts.


In the Wau Local Level Government Area of the Morobe province, the people of Biawen village near known is the human toll caused by bad roads and the absence of health workers.


In the last 5 years, three women died after giving birth. Their children live with members of their extended family. 


It takes about 40 minutes to get from Biawen to Wau.


The aid post at this village doesn’t have a health worker. On good days, vehicles travel the Wau-Biaru road. When it rains, not many can get through. During medical emergencies, half the cases end with a death.


In the 1960s, vehicles frequented this place. It was because a logging company harvested pines here. Today, most of the pines are gone, so too have the vehicles. The roads have deteriorated to a point where only four wheel drives can pass.


Despite the increased funding to the districts, the problems in this part of the country remain pretty much the same.

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