Health Life News

Temu Questioned on Proper Accreditation Examination for Foreign Doctors

By Adelaide Sirox Kari – EMTV News, Port Moresby

A series of questions regarding foreign doctors’ accreditation, district hospitals and medicine shortage was brought to the attention of Health Minister, Sir Puka Temu in Parliament.

Wabag MP, Lino Tom, began question time by asking the Health Minister when PNG Medical Board will have a proper accreditation examination for foreign doctors. This came about after several cases of malpractice by doctors were brought to his attention.

The Wabag MP started a chain of questions regarding doctors, district hospitals and medicine supply in the country.

Health Minister, Sir Puka Temu, responded to the question of foreign doctors’ accreditation by saying that a review has been done of the Medical Board Act and accreditation of foreign doctors is a part of the amendments.

Meanwhile, on the issue of medicine not reaching hospitals in Ijivitari District in Oro Province, the Health Minister explained that they had not granted logistic contracts before the medicine arrived causing the delay.

Member for Sumkar said his district hospital was degraded to a major health centre. In response, the Health Minister said he will bring the health centre to a level 4 hospital and will do the same for other districts that do not have a district hospital.

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