Momase News

Madang Provincial Works Coordinator Arrested

An official of the National Fraud and Anti-corruption Directorate told EMTV off camera that the arrest is a result of the internal investigation into the Madang Provincial Government accounts.

The Provincial Works Coordinator, Barry Metan, was charged for writing up an inspection report on the construction of the Governor’s official residence at Kalibobo Drive.

In his report he indicated that he had inspected the project site.

The report was presented to the Provincial Administrator, Daniel Aloi, recommending him to pay the contractor K550,000 as per the contractor’s invoice.

The Detective said the report was false.

He did not inspect the project site at the official Governor’s residence and there was no work done to the property.

Meanwhile, the owner of the building construction company, Elias Yangi, was arrested this morning.

He is the principal suspect. His company was paid K550,000 for maintenance and refurbishment work done to the official governor’s residence.

He was charged on four (4) counts of Misappropriation and False Pretense.

Meanwhile, the Provincial Police Commander when asked to comment said he was not be able to comment on that as he is not aware of these investigations.

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