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Prime Minister Congratulates Cardinal Ribat

Prime Minister, Peter O’Neill has congratulated Papua New Guinea’s first-ever Cardinal, His Eminence, Sir John Ribat for being appointed to the highest rank of the Catholic Church.

“We are very proud of him. It’s well deserved because he was recently knighted for his services in the country,”.

Mr O’Neill commended Cardinal Ribat for his outstanding leadership not only in the Catholic Church but in the Christian communities.

He said Cardinal Ribat has been an instrument of ecumenism, uniting churches.

“His leadership in uniting all the different church organisations in the country is commendable. It is not only in the Catholic Church but to the Christian communities. So we congratulate him for his unique and milestone achievement,” O’Neill said.

This great and historic news has strengthened the Government to continue work alongside Churches to deliver services.

“And we look forward to working with him and the leadership he will provide,”.


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