The Acting National Statistician and Acting Secretary for National Planning & Monitoring say thaPNG’s GDP Growth is questionable at this stage because a business census survey has not been conducted since 2001.
Acting National Statistician Roko Koloma said that close to 50 nations inthe world have not progressed intheir developmentodue to lack of national information.
Referring tothe importance of reliable statistics, Mr. Koloma saidthe lack of defining data, trickles down to countries not developing.
He said Papua New Guineareleased its first MDG report in 2004, and it clearly revealed thaPNG was unable to show strong statistics to monitorthe 8 MDG Goals.Instead of real data, a lot of proxies were used.
Acting Secretary for National Planning & Monitoring Juliana Kubak said that inthe Treasurer’s recent visit to Washington DC,the need for improverd statistics forPNG was highlighted bythe IMF.
Mrs. Kubak believes that 80% ofthe inputs from a Business Census Survey were important to track and measurethe country’s GDP growth and estimates.
The statistics wouldtherefore also guidPNG to measure its progress in terms of development.
There are positive signsthe National Statistical Office is getting much needed attention fromthe senior 2014 Budget Ministerial Committee.
A major outcome ofthe National Strategy for the Development of Statistics is to ensurethere is a clear roadmap for regular surveys to be conducted, where development programs & projects are planned, implemented, monitored and evaluated.