Featured Highlands News Your Vote 2017

PNC Continues Rallies In Highlands Region

The candidates under the People’s National Congress Party continue to receive political support from Party leader and Prime Minister Peter O’Neill.

In the past three days, the provinces of Jiwaka and Simbu were visited for campaign rallies.

PNC’s key message was the continuation and reaffirmation of its policies if power is retained for the ruling coalition-led Government.

The PNC Leader and Sitting Ialibu Pangia MP says, other political parties have criticised PNC, but it will continue its policies to serve the rural population.

PNC has maintained its key policies in the Education and Health Sector in its campaign rallies.

The Prime Minister says, other political parties can have their say but must prove it when in power.

O’Neill also rebutted claims of the current state of the economy.

“We have given our best in the last five years and fulfilled empty promises the past government has made,” said PM O’Neill.

He urged the people to vote wisely and have a member that will bring services to them.

“My Government has fulfilled all our policies and we stand firm to carry on from where we left. We never promise our people big things but simple policies that are touching everyone-and we will continue to do that. We have delivered in the last five years, and it is evident.”

The visit from Gumine in the Chimbu continued to Jiwaka’s capital, Banz.

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