News Southern

PIH Hosts Ladies Night in Celebration of Mothers Day

By Lillian Sopera Keneqa – EMTV News, Port Moresby While different celebrations were going on all over the world and in PNG for Mother’s Day, Pacific International Hospital hosted a corporate ladies night. Over 50 women gathered to commemorate this day, with the Prime Minister’s wife, Linda Babao O’Neill, gracing the event with her presence. The evening was filled with laughter, women sharing their experiences as mothers and many left feeling empowered. Chief Operating Officer of PIH, Unnati Negi, encouraged all the women, to not be too busy caring for others that they forget about themselves. She said, “The message we are trying to give is that look after yourself. Your body is as important as anything else.” She added, “And the whole thing about motherhood is prioritizing yourself because if you don’t take care of yourself, how are you going to take care of others in the family?” “Mothers are the core. And your core is in your own heart, in your own body to look after yourself.”    ]]>

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