
One Billion Rising for Justice

Today is Valentine’s Day and while lovers are exchanging flowers and kisses, a small group of people decided to address issues of violence.

The group led by Family and Sexual Violence Action Committee, and other partner organizations staged a campaign against family and sexual violence.


The theme of the campaign was “One Billion rising for Justice”.


This small but significant campaign was held at the Jack Pidik Park in Port Moresby.


The turn-up of the people was slow but important issues were addressed.


A strong advocator of women rights Susan Ketai said the objective of the campaign is for men, women and young people to rise and fight for justice, seek for justice and for justice to prevail in all the family and sexual violence cases.


Mrs Ketai said PNG men are amongst the most violent and aggressive in the world and she urged men to change their behaviours.


Figures obtained online from UNICEF shows that 67 % of women in PNG were reported to experience violence in their homes.


Though the figures of family and sexual violence are increasing, few charity organizations are offering free medical care and treatment for such victims.

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