
Nurses Fear They Will Lose Entitlements

The decision by the Port Moresby General Hospital’s Board Management to amend the Public Hospital Management Act of 1994 will see a change in the nurses’ status.

Nurses told EMTV News that this Board action will label them as Non Public Servants.

This means, all nurses will be signing contracts with the hospital before they can be employed by the hospital and nurses fear they will lose their benefits like service entitlements and housing allowance.   

They have describe the Board’s decision as suspicious and want it to come out clear on why it has decided to resurrect the Act after twenty years.   

Meanwhile nurses claimed that the promised K50 housing allowance for the Registered Nurses in PNG is still outstanding and since 2006, not one of them has received this money.

Most of these nurses have worked in Port Moresby General Hospital for over three decades. 

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29 Novemba | EMTV Nesenel Nius Long Tok Pisin

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