
National AIDS Council’s Statistics for 2013

Eastern Highlands, NCD, Morobe andthe Western Highlands Provinces have been identiflied asthe four prevalent provinces inthe country.

The national AIDS council said this year it will carry out size estimations of most at risk populations for these provinces to determinethe progress ofthe epidemic.  


The ther activities include conducting mid-term reviews ofthe National HIV/ AIDS strategy 2011- 2015 to help refocus priorities and partner withthe Department of Personnel Management to disseminatethe new HIV workplace policy to all sectors.


The last detailed report published in December 2009, revealed that almost 1% ofthe population aged from 15 to 49 were living with HIV


34, 000 adults and children were living withthe virus in 2009. An estimated 1, 300 dlied in that year, and over 70, 000 STI cases were also recorded.


It was concluded thatthe epidemic was still growing but slower than five years ago. Last yearthe HIV prevalence rate was at 1.6 % however was said to have dropped to 0.8 %.


The National Aids Council this year aims to collaborate with National Department of and establish functional HIV testing sit’s in each district throughoutthe country.


The Health sector received 20 million kina inthe 2013 budgetonearly half will be used to maintain hospitals whilethe balance is divided to improver rural health and church run health centers.                               


HIV & AIDS is amongthe priority agendas.

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