
Mendi-Munihu uproots marijuana

by Jack Lapauve Jr – EM TV, Port Moresby

Marijuana cultivation and consumption, as well as production of homebrew in the Southern Highlands have been a main cause of community disorder over the past 15 years.

Rape, accidents and murder were all related to marijuana and home brew consumption.

But community policing and an open understanding with youths, village elders and leaders has seen youths vowing to put these bad practices behind them to be part of the developments taking place.

The operation is a bold move by youths in Mopa and the notorious Tende communities, who have been heavily involved in this business. Marijuana planter Buka Soldan says uprooting of the plants will see him stop after being in the business for 20 years.

“Nau mi stop, senis laif na move on,” Soldan told EM TV.

For many youths, homebrew has been part of their living but they have now come forward to save the younger generations and set an example to other districts in the Southern Highlands. The youths want be part of new developments through community labour engagement and strengthened community policing.

The Mendi-Munihu district is allocating K100,000 for those who surrendered in the four districts to go into farming vegetables. The operation will continue for the next three months. Vve-14nNZ7Q?feature=oembed&wmode=opaque&showinfo=0&showsearch=0&rel=0

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