Momase News

Governor Naru’s Response on PSIP Fund Allocation

by Bethanie Harriman – EM TV, Lae

The Morobe Governor, Kelly Naru, has revealed that the Provincial Government does not have a detailed budget from some of its nine districts in order for it to indicate how the ten million kina of District Service Improvement Programs are spent.

Following concerns raised in the media by Markham MP, Paul Isikiel, and Lae MP, Loujaya Kouza, about the distribution of Provincial Services Improvement Program Funds into their districts, Morobe Governor, Kelly Naru, has responded.

Governor Naru said the Provincial budget handbook passed by the Provincial Executive Council indicates that the Provincial Services Improvement Program funds have been spent in both the Markham and Lae districts.

The Provincial Budget lock bocklet showed the Provincial Government spending itemised and clearly stating how government funds are being implemented.

Among the nine districts of Morobe, only one page in the budget lock booklet states there were ten million kina of district funds amounting to ninety million kina.

Today, Morobe Governor, Kelly Naru said that he does not know how the ten million kina district funds were spent as it was not stated clearly in the Budget booklet.

Governor Naru therefore has responded to the concerns raised by the Markham MP, Paul Isikiel and Lae MP, Loujaya Kouza, about the allocation of PSIP Grants going into their districts respectively.

According to Governor Naru, being also the Provincial Finance Chairman, which is quite similar to the Finance Minister, Lae district has received twenty six million kina worth of PSIP Support and the Markham district has received thirteen million kina.

Governor Naru had his own concerns to raise, one of it has reached the Ombudsman Commission.

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