Member for Maprik John Simon has called on the Department of Treasury and line departments, to release DSIP funds on time to ensure effective service delivery.
He said projects get delayed when small portions of DSIP funds are released during the year, prompting authorities to decide which sector deserves the funding instead of maintain and servicing all sectors.
Member for Maprik, John Simon said much of the District’s Five Year Development Plans can only be achieved when DSIP Funds are released in large portions, so Districts can decide how to spend it.
Mr. Simon said when small portions are released quarterly; the Administrations are caught up, deciding as to which sectors, health, education or infrastructure need it the most.
Maprik District was only recently able to acquit its DSIP funds when Mr. Simon took office, as records prior to his time as sitting MP were all lost. Mr. Simon urged the Secretary for the Department of Implementation and Rural Development, Paul Sai’I, to consider releasing the funds on time.
Mr. Sai’i said he will take up the matter with relevant line departments. However, he maintained that when Districts and Provinces acquit, they are supposed to get their next lot of DSIP funds. But, the delay has been with cash flow.
So far, almost 70 percent of acquittals from Districts and Provincial Governments have been submitted. The Department of Implementation and Rural Development will issue a memo to the respective Districts, and Provinces, to submit their acquittals.
By law, every Member of Parliament is obliged to acquit in order to receive the next lot of funding, and failure to do so, will see no funding for the Districts and Provinces.