By Quinton Alomp – EM TV, Port Moresby
A local non-government organisation, Hospital Poroman Foundation, is utilising the skills of local musicians to raise funds to assist hospitals in the country.
Last night, the local artists belted out their hits at the Lamana Gold Club, raising funds to assist Popondetta General Hospital.
A total of K50,000 was raised. The Peter O’Neill Foundation contributed 30 beds for the hospital and two wheelchairs from Kapi Foundation.
More than ten local artists took part in this fundraising drive.
With the slogan ‘PNG artist for PNG Hospitals’ the Foundation is organising PNG’s musicians and comedians to raise money for health and medical purposes.
Musicians taking part includes Nathan and Anslom Nakikus, Mereani Masani, Tati (David Amos), Robert Oeka, Mikes Toto, K-Dumen, Moqai and Saugas.
Comedian Elton Kili also shared his jokes.
Sohe MP Dililah Gore presented a cheque of K10,000 to the music concert fundraiser.
The organisation’s vice chairperson, Janet Sios, said individuals including MVIL also gave in their financial support.
“All funds raised will be used to purchase medical equipments and supplies for Popondetta General Hospital and selected clinics in Port Moresy,” Mrs Sios said.