Featured News Pacific

Largest Pacific Women’s Conference Scheduled for October

Image: Pina

The 13th Triennial Conference of Pacific Women and the 6th Meeting of the Pacific Ministers for Women will take place in Fiji come October 2.

This regional gathering provides a platform for discussions, experience sharing, reflection on progress and challenges, and an avenue to identify strategic and practical measures regarding the progress of gender equality and the status of women in the Pacific.

The 13th Triennial Conference of Pacific Women will be held from October 2-4, with the 6th Meeting of the Pacific Ministers for Women commencing on the evening of October 4 and ending on October 5.

The first 3 days of the conference will see senior government officials and civil society representatives coming together to discuss this year’s overarching theme, ‘Pacific Women’s economic empowerment’.

The objective of this year’s conference is to identify strategic measures and make recommendations to support the economic empowerment and well being of Pacific women.

The key note address will be given by Dr. Hilda Heine, the President of the Republic of the Marshall Islands and the first female head of state of an independent Pacific Island nation.

The Ministerial meeting, a continuation of the Conference will see discussions on government positions and agreement on the Conference’s recommendations and strategic actions that will take place.

Ministers will discuss the structural barriers they face within government to progress women’s economic empowerment and identify appropriate strategic interventions to address these barriers.

For more information, click here.

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