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Government keen to establish first Youth Business Incubation Centre in Port Moresby

By Jack Lapauve Jr – EMTV News, Port Moresby

Minister for National Planning, Richard Maru, today visited the National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) in New Delhi, India to learn how India is able to create 10 million jobs each year for its young people.

The visit by Minister Maru and his delegation this week is to seek support from India to set up PNG’s first Small to Medium Enterprises (SME) Business Incubation Training Centre in Port Moresby.

Under the MTDP III, Government has included four regional youth business incubation centres using the India Government model. This centre is by far the most successful Indian Government program to skill and provide employment and business opportunities of millions unemployment youth.

The youth business incubation centre will be the key and flagship program that will run jointly between the National Youth Development Authority in partnership with the SME Corporation. This is a very critical sector for our youths to be trained in very specific business skills to start their own business like making toilet rolls, setting up small bakeries, set up their salons in three months course with other courses that are as long as one year like the India Program.

This will enable PNG to see for ourselves and fully understand the differences between a Business Incubation Centre and our TVET Institutions in our country. Government sees this to be the most critical Youth Intervention Program for the future generation of our country since Independence.

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