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Man wins Air Niugini return ticket from ruffle draw in Lae at the end of the 46th National Games Fishing Titles.

National Sales and Marketing Manager for Ramu Agri Industry, Harry Kaiser, was the winner of two Lae/POM/Singapore return trip tickets after he purchased five raffle tickets for K50 each during the week leading up to the commencement of the National Games Fishing titles.

“I told myself not to get over excited when I first received a text message advising of the prize, thinking it was a scam”, Kaiser said.

”However, after getting a call from Air Niugini, I was jumping up and down, had to very quickly relay the good-news to my daughters”, he added.

Kaiser, who had never been to Singapore was very excited and is now making plans for a trip there with his daughters.

The major draw was part of a raffle promotion by Air Niugini that took place during the 46th National Games Fishing Titles last weekend at the Lae Yacht Club. 

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