International News

China Ready for 70th World War II Anniversary

by Marie Kauna – EMTV Online, Port Moresby

Despite its pressing economic instability, China will be commemorating its 70th anniversary of the end of World War II come Thursday, September 3.

September 3 has been designated a special day to commemorate the victory that the country has gained, and tomorrow, will mark the country’s 70th World War II anniversary.

Beijing on Tuesday has announced that 49 countries have agreed to send in their leaders and representatives for the WW11 Anniversary Parade which will take place in Beijing.

During the anniversary parade, China will make a public display of its weaponry through the heart of Beijing. This parade will display great importance highlighting the country’s modern tanks, missiles, fighter jets and attack helicopters.  

The anniversary celebration will close down some of the daily operations of the country and the Shanghai stock market is one amongst the many. The stock market will be closed for Thursday and Friday to pay respect for the country’s historical victory. 

Chinese living in other countries are also busy preparing for the upcoming anniversary military parade. 

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