
Central Province planning to build a Hospital

Central Provincial government is working closely with National Government to have a new Hospital for the Province.

Health Minister Michael Malabagsaid he will push for a funding allocation in next year’s budget.

Governor Haoda saidthe people of Central Province were promised a city but this has never eventuated.

He said his people have suffered for so long, many have to travel many kilometres into Port Moresby to access basic services.

The idea of a new hospital for the province is now onthe agenda for the provincial government.

Minister for Health Michael Malabagsaidthe national government is supportive ofthe idea.

Minister Malabagsaid hospitals are important institutions for each province andthe government is now looking at provincial hospitals for the two new provinces of Hela and Jiwaka.

The central provincial government has identiflied land and is now working on a design plan and costing for the hospital.

Work will start next year when money is allocated inthe national budget.

Michelle Amba, National EMTV News

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