
Buka Infrastructural Development Project

Roads are important infrastructure that link people to access government services, helping to move the economy forward. 

This was the message from Prime Minister, Peter O’Neill during his Goodwill visit to the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.


For this reason, the Autonomous Bougainville Government, in its major development infrastructural projects, has allocated eighty-eight million kina, for road upgrade, sealing and maintenance.


These projects are appropriated under this year’s K200 million, Special Intervention Fund, that concentrates on infrastructure development.


Buka ring road upgrade and sealing has received the biggest slice of thirty five million kina, Kokopau to Buin road, thirty million. Fifteen million kina is for economic feeder roads–scope, design, upgrading and maintenance and Aropa Airport facilities upgrade.


The Arawa and Buka water supply, sewage design and construction, fourtheen million kina. South West Bougainville roads, upgrade and maintenance from Nagovis, Siwai to Buin, eight million kina. Seven point five million kina is to improve education infrastructure, atolls coastal shipping and aviation.


Five million kina for the Bougainville bridges replacements, Buka Airport terminal upgrade, power upgrade, project management unit, hospital development, and Panguna Mine Negotiations.


Four million kina is for law and justice and weapons disposal.


Support for council of elders, public services housing infrastructure, Santoro pass survey and design, Siara to Koropovo road design, upgrading and maintenance and 2015 ABG Elections, three million kina.


Churches, building maintenance and upgrades with church programs, two million kina, and the Bougainville Peace Agreement awareness activities, one million kina.


Bougainville President Chief, Dr John Momis, said the Special Intervention Fund, is a conditional grant that caters for projects within Bougainville.


It’s different from the unconditional annual Restoration and Development Grant under the Bougainville Peace Agreement. The Bougainville House of Representatives members have been urged to use these funds wisely.

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