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Brian Bell Mega Warehouse Sale

Following its Christmas wishes competition last December, Brian Bell is now having its Mega Warehouse sale at the Gordons Industrial Centre in Port Moresby.

The Mega sale has all Brian Bell’s products on massive discounts.

Business Development Manager, Bill Doa Neill, explained the aim of this Mega Sale.

“The main focus of this is to get rid off our aged items, products you would not normally buy because of budget reasons, now is the time to buy them,” He said.

Neill explained that it’s a two week long event, designed to have all its products cycled for sale.

“What we have got on display, is a fraction of what we actually got,” He explained.

“We’ll be cycling through our products, hence why it’s a two week long event; we’ll work hard to swap everything out. As soon as we sell, there are new products ready to come in.”

Neill explained that this was the perfect time for local SME’s to purchase products while they are at ideal prices.

“Those customers that are small SME”s, or a small construction company, or if you are a business, you need those capital expenditure, grinders, ovens, washers, things to run the business, now is the time to make a purchase,” he said.

The Mega Sale will end on the 28th of this month.

By Benjamin Manimbi – Cadet Reporter – EMTV News – Port Moresby

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