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Aroma Road Conditions Affecting Travelling Public

The rainy weather has stopped in some areas, however for the people along the Aroma Coast, roads have turned into waterways.  Some sections of the road have turned into huge potholes.

The travelling public is forced to pull trucks along most sections of the road. This has been case for the past two weeks.

Community Leader, Lama Makara, said every year, the Community is told money is allocated for the upgrading of the road.

The poor state of road has also had a severe impact on health services in the area. The only ambulance has been out of service for the past 2 years, as curable disease cases continue to increase.

Elder Makara has questioned all the funding allocation which have become mere rumors every year.

Communities now travel to Kupiano to access most services, and they are also faced with the increase in PMV fares. Community leaders now want urgent intervention by the local MP and health Minister, Sir Puka Temu.

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