Health Momase News

Jomba Clinic Closed

Jomba Clinic has been forced to close its doors lately, as a result of no water.

Any health center needs water to operate and Jomba clinic is no exception, especially when dealing with health and hygiene issues.

This clinic sees more than 50 patients a day, but it has been closed for more than a month now.

“The clinic’s closure is greatly affecting us. We went to the town clinic and the Modilon General hospital, but were turned away because there’s too many of us,” said Dominica Enema, a regular patient of Jomba Clinic.

The reason the clinic doesn’t have water, is due to non-payment of the water bill, that has reached K12, 000, resulting in the water being disconnected.

There’s an issue on whether the District or the Ward Council should be the one responsible to pay the clinic’s water bills.

Nonetheless, the district has already paid half of the bill and the water has been reconnected, but the clinic still needs to get its plumbing issues taken care of.

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