Highlands News

Lower Kagul Access Road Service

More than 30 thousand people living in the lower Kagul area of Tambul in Western Highlands Province have taken an initiative to build an access road for their own convenience.

They have formed an association called the SIKE Association, which covers 22 council wards.

This association represents the Kepa and the Sipa tribes of Lower Kagul.

For more than 3 decades, these people have been using a longer route going around Tambul station before reaching Hagen city which takes about 2 hours.

However, they have started a project up-grading an existing road built by humans two decades ago.

They say this particular road is more convenient because it will take them less than an hour to reach Mt.Hagen.

The Gun-Pass road project is their largest project after the association was formed two years ago.

Through the assistance of the Western Highlands Provincial government, the association has a backhoe and a dump truck working on the 30 kilometer road from Lower Kagul to Tomba connecting with the Highlands Highway.

Association executive Robert Plank said they have taken this initiative to help their people .

“We are calling on our elected leader and businessmen from around this area, to support this important project ,we need funds for operations ,”said Plank.

The association has embarked on other projects in the past such as the solar project and the saw-mill projects to improve the lives of the people.

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