
POM: Car Parking Mayhem

Lack of Parking spaces in downtown Port Moresby has become a problem for commuters.


They say it is time consuming and risky during rush hour. However, this traffic down side has become an income earning vehicle for street kids.

It is lunchtime rush hour inthe nation’s capital Central Business District with commuters scrambling for parking spaces, butthere are limited spaces for the increasing number of vehicles.

For those trying to leave, it is anther hassle manoeuvring throughthe busy traffic.

Though it is a problem for many commuters it has become a blessing in disguise many of strret kids who come fromthe nearby settlements and are out of school. They saythey do this to keepthem going and in a lucky day,they can make up to K20 or more.

NCD has planned a number of major road development works to ease traffic inthe city but most ofthe commuters in downtown Port Moresby want a solution to overcrowding parking spaces.

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