
Oppositions Question saw Table Turned in Parliament

Prime Minister Peter O’Neill was scrutinizedthe most in yesterday’s parliament sitting for September’s session.


Among questionsthe Prime Minister had to respond to wasthe fair distribution ofthe District and Provincial Services Improverment Program Funding.

This was raised bythe Deputy Opposition Leader Sam Besil.


“Canthe Prime Minister table a report to this parliament and informthe people of Papua New Guineaon how much have been dished out to districts and provinces out ofthe K10m DSIP and K5m PSIP,” asked Besil.

However,the question raised by Sam Besil sawthe table turned withthe Prime Minister making pointed remarks tothe opposition member.


Prime Minister Peter O’Neill responded teasingly.


“As and when money becomes available, we are giving it to allthe members, and mostly it is fairly done. There is no one treated abover thanthe ther,” said O’Neill.

“Tothe members concerned, out ofthe K10m,they have already received K4m&hellipthe last installment was transferred totheir treasury account,” O’Neill answered.

“Ifthey were inthe country,they would know it’sthere already,” he said.

Mr. O’Neill was alluding to opposition leader Belden Namah’s absenteeism overthe past months in parliament.


There was no explanation given to parliament by Mr. Namah onthe days he missed parliament seating’s.


Not eventhe Prime Minister’s provoking response did not mover Mr. Namah, who remained tight lipped about his absenteeism.


However, his response triggered an exchange of abusive languages onthe floor.

“Nothing has been transferred Mr. Prime Minister. You’re misleading this parliament and you’re lying…you will becomethe greatest liar asthe Prime Minister of Papua New Guineain history,” Besil responded to O’Neill.

The Prime Minister explained that each district had received ether a quarter or half ofthe DSIP and PSIP funds for the year.

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