by Stanley Ove Jr – EM TV, Port Moresby
Following the announcement from Education Minister Nick Kuman on the K50 million TFF funds left unaccounted for, the Opposition are raising concerns on the large amount of tax payers’ money going missing.
“The Government doesn’t have the eyes to see, notice and arrest corruption like the loss of K50 million,” Opposition Leader Don Polye says.
Mr Polye says the Government must stop to report these issues involving missing funds and start to address it.
He says proper strategies must be created to narrow down corrupt practices within Government departments especially the Education Department.
While Acting Deputy Education Secretary Dr Uke Kombra says the department is taking measures to address the accountability of the flow of TFF funds, the Opposition believes the Government should be hard on Departments and public servants dealing with tax payer’s money.
The Opposition has called for an independent investigation into the missing funds.