Divine Word University opened its doors tothe public as part of its annual Open Dayactivities.
The Theme: “Committed to total quality assurance,” Various faculties thrived to do just that.
A four man panel of undercover judges scannedthe stalls to see ifthe faculties met specific criteria.
Every year onthe first week of May Divine Word University hosts Open Day This yearthere was lots of keen interest fromthe public.
The Business Studies Department showed class withtheir entrance showcasing various courses like finance and cost accounting.
Computer Programmers are also being produced here withthe inclusion ofthe Mthematics and Computer Science Departments.
The Environment inthe Health Sciences ofthe Health Faculty promotedthe message of prevention being better than cure. Out of nowhere a man was stabbed and thanks tothe quick thinking of health extension students’he lived to see anther day.
The Tourism and Hospitality students’were practical wherethey set up a restaurant.
The Arts Faculty showcased howthey deal with social issues.Included inthe faculty isthe Communication Arts Department withthe television group getting creative withtheir corner.
The judging criteria is based onthetheme “Committed to total quality assurance” and ther specifics likethe Togtherness of Departments. The overall winner was chosen atthe end ofthe event.
The Arts Faculty won’this year’s DWU Open Day