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Waigani Christian College to open doors for students and teachers to UOG

Waigani Christian College in Port Moresby is offering a second chance for students to study through its Open Campus and bridge into Tertiary Institutions.

Founder of Waigani Christian College Benjamin Mul told EMTV News, the institution will begin its enrollment next month.

This follows a MOU signed between the Institution and University of Goroka early this year. This will see a distant open campus will be established in Port Moresby for bridging Grade 12’s. Mr Mul says, students must make use of this and getter a better qualification.

He says, drop outs in the formal education system will be given the opportunity to complete their studies and advance into Universities. Mr Mul says, students must make use of this and getter a better qualification.

Mr Mul is a dropout from the formal education system, however through distant upgrading he has studied in two of the country’s top universities.

Mr Mul is a dropout from the formal education system, however through distant upgrading he has studied in two of the country’s top universities.

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