The NCD Police Metropolitan Superintendent Perou N’Dranou, this morning apologized to the EMTV Crew that was physically assaulted by a cell keeper in front of police officers recently.
The Met. Sup. said, media is an important part of development and the police must engage media in issues of national interest so the public can be well informed.
He was speaking at a press conference on the planned march by NGO that will be staged in Port Moresby tomorrow.
Mr. N’Dranou reassured the media that police will be protecting them during the march. He made the apology in the presence of other Police Commanders.
The EMTV crew was responding to a news tip off by locals on a police brutality case outside of Port Moresby when they were assaulted.
The camera man was forced to delete footages from his camera and pages from the reporter’s notebook were ripped off. They were released an hour later.