
POM Lock Down Effects

The police were out in full force today, to effect the lock down directive issued yesterday by the RPNGC hierarchy.

The Unagi oval was a no go zone for protestors and the general public today, as policemen and women forcefully removed bystanders as well.


The gates leading to and from the UPNG main campus were heavily guarded as well, to prevent students from protesting.


Like Tuesday, it was unusually quiet in the nation’s capital today.


Many schools suspended classes; however, business was normal as usual, just with less traffic.


The police were out in full force, given the lock down directive yesterday, by the Metropolitan Superintendent.


Unagi oval and the UPNG main campus at Waigani, amongst other recreational areas, were no go zones today.


Citizens planning to join in the protest were turned back.


A protestor who flew in from Mount Hagen appealed to all governors, to make a stand on this issue, and listen to the cries of the people.


At the UPNG main campus in Waigani, a fight broke out between student leaders and the SRC president.


The SRC president has been accused of taking sides. Meantime, the student leaders have agreed to stay calm and await the court hearing tomorrow, before any action is taken.

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