All sporting codes played inthe country will now have a proper channel for solving sporting disputes.
Sport Ministry yesterday announced its support for a revivePNG Sport Disputes Tribunal to oversee all sporting disputes.
Headed by a prominent Judge, Justice Ctherine Davani, it now comes down to all sporting codes or organizing bodies to have a fair say in areas that previously under scrutiny inthe respective sporting code.
All sporting codes played in PNG are guided by rules and regulations; however, not many sports are successfully staged without setbacks for unknown reasons. That will now be a thing ofthe past.
PNG Sport Disputes Tribunal oPNGSDT has an important role to play. The tribunal will mediate and arbitrate on sporting disputes.
Still in its initial stage,thPNGSDT has arrived at a time whenthe country will becomethe host to a much anticipated sporting event.
The National Government through sports ministry backedthe tribunal with K200, 000.00
Justice Ctherine Davani has a variety of expertise inthe Judiciary and is also a keen sports woman who played Hockey and Soccer.
This task mandated on her would not be taken lightly with support from partner Simon Nutley from Leahy Nutley Sullivan Lawyers and Stanley Walker, a keen golfer.
The team looks promising to carry outthe challenge, already schedules were outlined to minister asthe way forward.
Caption: PNG Sport Disputes Tribunal – Justice Ctherine Davani.