The Labor andIndustrial Relations Department will revampthe Occupational Safety and Health Policy to meet changing demands ofthe industrial Sector.
Secretary George Vaso saidthe current ACT is outdated and does to reflect Papua New Guinea growing economy.
The new act is in its second draft.
The weeklong workshop on Occupational Safety and Health ended in Port Moresby last week. Participants were mostly fromthe Labour andIndustrial Relations Department.
The aim ofthe workshop is to equip participants withthe latest OSH concepts to be implemented in Papua New Guinearsquo;s growing industrial sector.
The current OSH Act used by labour and industrial relations department to carry out its inspections onthe industrial sector is said to be out-dated.
Head of Labour andIndustrial Relations Department George Vaso said it is not reflective ofthe current economic situation inthe country.
He says his department is keen on modernisingthe OSH Act and is working withtheInternational Labour Department to achieve this.
The OSH Bell is in its second draft and hopes to be ready later this year.
Mr. Vaso urged participants to usethe skills attained and to conform tothe legislations that governtheir conduct.
Mickey Kavera, National EMTV News