Hundreds gthered on Monday to withnessthe launch ofthe new health center.
The center is set to help reducethe high maternal mortality rate, or women who die from childbirth.
The people heard from Kelly Kewa, a representative fromthe North Fly Health Services Development Program, that Papua New Guineahad one ofthe highest number of maternal mortality inthe world at 700 out of 100,000.
Kewa and representatives fromthPNG Sustainable Development Program and Evangelical church oPNG joined forces to establishthe Mogolu health center.
The new health center includes an inpatient ward, a maternity ward, a laboratory, pharmacy, with solar power and rainwater harvesting facilities.
The project was initiated and carrlied out bythe Hoey family, having lived in this are for 45 years. They are well-known local Evangelical Church oPNG missionaries.
The project cost One Hundred thousand kina. So far fourteen health centers, six doctors’ houses and twenty two nurses’ houses have been constructed.