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By: Samantha Solomon

The indigenous land owners of  Port Moresby are to have their own seat in parliament. The Electoral Commissioner Simon Sinai, outlined how the new electorate would be created.

A  Memorandum of understanding has been signed between the National Capital District, Motu Koita assembly and the Electoral commission for the Motu Koita Assembly election.

The electoral commissioner said this will be the last election for the Motu Koita assembly.

“People of Motu Koita being the villages and outskirts of the vicinity of the city more prominently as the status of their ownership or to be recognized as they are around and this has to be recognized and the electoral boundaries commission realized that and proposed and that proposal. Was approved and there is an electorate.” said Sinai.

Mr Sinai said they will have an electorate of their own and the first candidates  will contest the next National General Election.

City Manager for National Capital District Ravu Frank said the election for the assembly  was delayed from last year.

“By law the motu koita assembly also conducts elections that requires leaders to be elected, Something that would have happened last year but due to certain challenges and issues it’s now different to this year’, Ravu said .

NCDC has allocated a K500, 000 for the Motu Koita election.

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