Department of Education has a new Acting Secretary to replace Luke Taita who has also been acting.
Dr Michael Tapo said that one of his priorities in his new role asthe Acting Secretary is to ensure that Line Managers furnish outstanding reports onthe existing Outcome Besed Education.
After almost two hours of closed door briefing between Acting Minister for Education James Marape, his Secretaries and staff,the media briefing commenced at 12 noon yesterday.
Mr. Marape welcomed Dr Tapo infront of Line Managers inthe Department. Outgoing Acting Secretary Taita handed –over Policies and Guidelines to Dr Tapo to complete formalities.
Dr Tapo is not new tothe Education System. He has servedthe department for 36 years and held various high positions. He wasthe First Assistant Secretary Responsible for Teachersprior to his new Acting Appointment.
Acting Education Minister Marape told new Acting Secretary andthe Line Managers to polish all outstanding reports.
Mr Marape’saidthe O'Neill – Dion government has priorit’sed Education and warned that non – performing staff will be dealth with accordingly.
Meanwhile, a permanent appointment will be made in two months time.