Breaking News News News Bulletin Papua New Guinea Southern


By Samantha Solomon

The NCD Commander’s Parade took place this morning at the Boroko Police station for Metropolitan Superintendent Silva Sika to make his first inspection.
This is the continuation of the inspection that is going on within the Nation’s Capital.
Upon inspection, Metsup Sika pointed out some areas of improvement that the policemen need to take heed of such as their dressing.
Metsup Sika emphasized that this year will be a year of discipline.
He reiterated that small things like cleanliness must be practiced from the police stations to the vehicles and the firearms must be checked at all times.

After his speech he carried out vehicle inspections on police vehicles and removed certain modifications that were on the vehicles such as long aerials with cassowary feathers attached on them, stickers that are not supposed to be on the vehicles and also advised the policemen to remove the tints on all police vehicles.
Those that were not presentable during the parade will be facing disciplinary measures as per the Metsup’s advice.

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