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National Higher Technical Education Board: IBS Not Recognised

By Staycey Yalo, EMTV News, Port Moresby

Institute of Business Studies is not recognised by the Ministry of Higher Education Research Science and Technology as per the Higher Education (General Provisions) Act 2014.

According to DHERST, under the section 158 of the ACT, the registration initially granted to IBS in 2014 expired on 30th October 2017, three years after commencement of the Act.

Consequently, the IBS cannot enroll students for the 2018 Academic year unless it obtains registration under the Higher Education (General Provisions Act).

According to DHERST, IBS is yet to meet the 12 standards for accreditation and must undergo an external audit in order to be recognised as a Higher Learning Institution.

DHERST says IBS has refused to undergo the correct accreditation process but DHERST is still willing to facilitate for accreditation. In a letter dated, December 11, 2017, addressed to the Director of IBS, stating that it will be legally and morally wrong for IBS to operate in PNG without being legally recognised as a Higher Education Institute.

The letter is the fifth of four other letters that was sent to IBS by DHESRT on the matter.

Education Secretary, Professor Father Jan Czuba said every institution in the country must be registered and operate within PNG Laws.

He says DHERST has a list of many foreign institutions operating without being registered and will soon be told to shut down if they refuse to cooperate.

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