
Middle Ramu District: Road Project Launched

The road project for Madang to Simbai in the Middle Ramu District was launched last Friday. Member for Middle Ramu and Minister for Agriculture and Livestock, Tommy Tomscoll officiated at the ceremony.

This missing road link will now connect the people of Simbai to the Provincial Capital Madang and will further connect three highlands provinces.

Simbai, in the Middle Ramu District is located between several highlands provinces, Western Highlands, Jiwaka and Enga. It is one of the least developed Districts in Madang province.  In the colonial days, people walked for two weeks to access basic services in the provincial capital of Madang.

In the early 1980’s when logging operations started, people used the access roads but that was still difficult for them because of high transport costs. It is even difficult now the condition of the road.

Minister for Agriculture & Livestock, Tommy Tomscoll was accompanied by Madang Governor Jim Kas to launch the 20 kilometre road project.

This is the first phase of the five year road project where the road will be cleared off and widened. The work is undertaken by MK Civil Works and Construction, a local company.

This is the first road project and one of the national highways, thus the government has committed K20 million ontop of the K10 million allocated to complete the road.

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