Cricket News Sport

Kriket Blo Olgeta Continues To Provide Opportunities

Cricket PNG’s ‘Kriket Blo Olgeta’ program continues to provide opportunities to people who are keen to play the code.

There is also a stronger push by the organization to include building partnerships with Non-governmental organizations, to fully involve women in the sport. The program’s induction began recently with NGO’s and Government Organizations. It focused on raising awareness about the services both sectors offer, and how their services can be integrated into the women’s cricket program.


Cricket PNG Development Officers, Barramundi’s players, and the Pacific MMI Lewas, were present to familiarize themselves with the issues and how they can be advocates in tackling them.


Another part of the Kriket Blo Olgeta program is to provide an opportunity to people who are passionate to play cricket. One Cricket enthusiast is 12 year old Guthry Banari.


He was special because while he’s visually impaired, it doesn’t stop him from batting and bowling. Guthry was introduced to hitting a soft cricket ball using his listening skills, to swing and make contact with the ball. Guthry currently attends the St. John’s Blind Services School in Port Moresby. Apart from his pursuit to learn to read and write in Braille, he now builds a new passion for cricket.


The Kriket Blo Olgeta was launched by Cricket PNG on National Disabilities day. It is proudly supported by the Australian Government, through its Pacific Sports Partnership.

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