Featured Islands News Your Vote 2017

Kokopo Sitting MP, Ereman ToBaining Junior Nominated

Sitting Member of Parliament for Kokopo, Ereman ToBaining Jnr, made his intentions known publicly this morning, that he will contest the Kokopo Open, the electorate that will become Papua New Guinea’s 4th city.

His nomination this morning was extravagant.

More than 100 banana boats and a fleet of more than 100 vehicles, a show of strength and confidence from his supporters.

“I’m confident that I’ll return back to my seat in this 2017 general elections,” ToBaining said.

ToBaining Junior will be contesting against 28 other candidates.

He is one of the three East New Britain MPs who will re-enter the political race, under the People’s National Congress banner.

ToBaining, also served as East New Britain’s Governor in the last parliament after the Regional MP, Sir Leo Dion, was appointed as the Deputy Prime Minister, leaving the regional seat vacant.

Despite a vast public criticism levelled against the People’s National Congress party, ToBaining expressed his satisfaction for the level of work the political party has provided in the last four years.

“I would like to assure my people in Kokopo, and Papua New Guinea, that PNC Party will come back with the numbers to form the Government again,” ToBaining said.

While polling may be some weeks away, the Kokopo sitting MP is confident to make it back into office.

But, his return to office hinges on public perceptions regarding his work, in terms of service delivery, in the last four and a half years.

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