Momase News

Kabwum people call for local MP to explain stance

By Julie Badui Owa – EMTV News, Lae   Kabwum MP, Patrick Basa, is being urged to return to the district to explain his stance in the upcoming Vote of No Confidence. They say, the people deserve an explanation on what their elected representative will opt to do, come the VONC. His people feel overlooked in spite of the current political climate surrounding the Vote of No Confidence. Businessmen, teachers, and students have all expressed their frustration at the challenges faced in the district with bad road conditions and education amongst a number of concerns. Baksy Hampson is a local businessman. He said because of the bad roads, the cost of car hires has increased, also affecting the prices of goods in the district. “My hire car business is not operating anymore because of the bad road condition.” From Lae, goods are transported to the district by air or sea. This is a struggle for locals. Boinang Mana a primary school teacher, who gave her views on the current government’s free education policy. “The current government’s free education policy has caused the increase in enrollments. In a class, one teacher is teaching forty students.” “There are not enough teaching materials for the teachers to use. We are still using the Outcome Based Education Curriculum and not the Standard Based Education Currriculum because we haven’t received the SBE Curriculum materials that were rolled out in 2016. ” Kabwum is one of the Morobe Province’s more difficult districts, to address, it has limited road access, and air and sea travel are the main sources of movement for goods.  ]]>

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