Business News

Juffa Warns Illegal Business Investors In Oro

Companies intending to develop natural resources and agricultural projects in Oro Province, must first seek the approval of the Provincial Government.

Oro Governor Garry Juffa, warned investors not to bypass them, and try to do businesses illegally in his province.


He raised this warning today, after learning that a Malaysian-owned company, is trying to develop 100, 000 hectares of land in the Ijivitari electorate.


In a media conference today, Governor Juffa warned companies and individuals, who want to venture into agricultural development in his province, to consult his provincial Government’s Executive Council’s permission first.


He raised this warning after being notified that a Malaysian owned company named Iris Corporation Berhad, has claimed in a Malaysian newspaper that they had successfully secured 100, 000 hectares of land in the Musa-Pongoro area in Ijivitari District.


Governor Juffa claimed that he has no knowledge of the company, and was not aware of what agricultural business they are intending to develop.


He said he will write to the Malaysian Government about this issue, and he advised the company not to set foot in Oro.


According to the Philippine’s online newspaper, The Star, Iris Corporation Berhad has entered into a 22 Million US Dollar joint venture with Alvery Resources Limited.


The newspaper reported that the company will clear 100,000 hectares of land for agricultural and business purposes, not limited to clearing, logging, plantation, and setting up of factories, for various agricultural commodities.


Governor Juffa said land grabbing is becoming a problem in PNG because responsible Government departments are failing to address it effectively.


He will address this issue with Lands and other responsible departments, and will track down those involved in signing this deal with the Malaysian company.


Mr Juffa appealed to all other provincial governors to implement the recommendations of the SABL report, to protect the interest of the people.

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