Business Highlands News

Famous Lodge Quits Selling of Beer


By Elizah Palme – EMTV Online, Port Moresby

Owner of the renowned Molka Lodge in Minj, Gibson Yuants, who is often known for being a philanthropist in his approach to the community, has decided to stop his liquor sales business, both the take away and in-house facilities.

Yuants has indicated that a lot of people, especially young people under the age of eighteen, and particularly those in schools have been frequenting his premises to purchase beer. That has caused him to do away with beer sales.

He has done that last Friday (10th June) to discourage alcohol related lawlessness especially caused by what he says are juveniles in society.

A Facebook post showing the picture of a placard nailed to the counter of one of the takeaway outlet with thick black writing in capital letters–“WE NO LONGER SELL BEER AT MOLKA!”, drew attention of hundreds of face-bookers especially Jiwakans.

The famous Molka Lodge, synonymous with beer among other services like conference hosting facilities, guest accommodations, social function services and restaurant in the new Jiwaka Province is now calling it quits.

According to the local dialect, the term Molka contextually means a place where safety is guaranteed or simply “stay safe” in short, hence many Jiwakans recommended that Molka Lodge has finally found its true identity and meaning.

It is a lucrative business activity, though riding on the big demand fuelled by large consumer base in most parts of Jiwaka Province; there are many no-goods. The trend has developed a bad precedence at the detriment of the young population, affecting students at primary, secondary and even tertiary institutions in the province.

Thus, the decision by the management to quit selling liquor whilst doing lodging business has attracted positive commentaries from elites of the province.

Concerns were raised indicating that drunkards are seen disturbing neighbourhoods, steam-bodies (drunkards) rampage local market places without leaders intervening because he or she cannot be controlled and fighting among the intoxicated.

Jiwaka Students and Graduates Association, which has been running campaigns, awareness and conventions purposely to instil good and quality principles into the young generation, especially students of the province under the theme – “Building Jiwaka Intellects through Godly principles”, has welcomed the decision and salute the Management of Jiwaka’s famous Molka Lodge for their ethical approach that will contribute positively to the lives of the young Jiwakans.

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