News Sport

Basketball Fed prepares for 2015 Games

PNG basketball referees and technical officials were privileged to participate inthe Coaching Clinic atthe Sir John GuiseIndoor Stadium in Port Moresby.

The Clinic is a way forward in preparing officials and athletes for the upcoming 2015 Pacific Games.

ThPNG Basketball Federation is preparing technical officials and athletes for the 2015 Pacific Games.

Visit from experts Steve Smith and Annie La’Fleur had giventhem confidence. Knowledge and skills were also imparted.

The Oceania Basketball Federation will work withthPNG’sports federation and Olympic Committee in training and employing officials to assist inthe development ofthe code aroundthe country.

Mr. Smith saidthey’re planning to have an office in Port Moresby and Lae.

The three day clinic that commenced on Monday has been of assistance tothPNG basketball Federation andthey are looking forward tothe upcoming national competitions andthe Pacific Games.

Michelle Jerewai, Trukai Sport

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