Health Highlands Life News Papua New Guinea Politics Travel


By Mortimer Yangharry

Wapenamanda Open MP and Finance Minister Miki Kaeok has planned to improve and upgrade existing health facilities throughout the district.

He announced a K5 million assistance to the Mabisanda Lutheran District Hospital for rehabilitation and renovation work to be immediately carried out as it is the only district hospital serving the Wapenanmanda District and other parts of the province.

Minister Kaeok also made mentioned of the upgrading of the Talyokos Aid Post in the Wapenamanda Rural constituency to a level two community health post that will have a six inpatient bed, a delivery suite with a birthing couch, two outpatient rooms, an emergency procedure room, five staff houses plus essential medical equipment and furniture costing a total of K6.2 million funded by the Australian government through Australia Aid and the Asian Development Bank.

Minister Kaeok highlighted that the Wapenamanda District Development Authority (WDDA) will allocate funding to the existing aid posts and health center in the district with Elyakanda Health Centre in the Lower Lai constituency to receive funding assistance for upgrade work towards the end of the year.

He emphasized the need of a healthy population thus committing funds to ensure the people have access to basic health services on a daily basis accordingly.

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